streamer TrainwrecksTV recently got into a heated debate. The conflict began when a viewer accused him of encouraging gambling and making it addicting to vulnerable individuals. The situation worsened when Adin Ross entered the argument and launched a volley of homophobic and ableist insults, even inciting the viewer to commit suicide.
On May 20th, a confrontation occurred during Trainwreck’s usual webcast. While live-streaming himself playing online poker, a spectator threatened Trainwreck with physical harm for supporting Kick and its supposed gambling links. The viewer also insulted Trainwreck, calling her a “crackhead.” In response, the streamer requested that the viewer join a call to address the issue further. Trainwreck defended his material selections and Kick, but the viewer continued to blame him for encouraging gambling addiction. Later, Adin Ross joined the call and began hurling homophobic insults at the viewer, repeatedly pushing him to “kill himself.”
During the increasing disagreement, LosPollosTV, another streamer taking part in Trainwreck’s poker game, had to interfere and silence the viewer. LosPollosTV expressed dissatisfaction, saying the situation had grown “ridiculous.”
When the viewer accused Trainwreck and LosPollosTV of causing his friend to develop a gambling addiction, Adin Ross reacted angrily. Ross disregarded the viewer’s allegations, claiming that his friend was an adult who was accountable for his own behavior. He continued to use derogatory words, calling the viewer’s acquaintance a “total fucking retard” and demanding that he accept responsibility for his gambling addiction.
The controversy surrounding Kick and its links to gambling has been a recurring problem throughout the years. The streaming platform’s gambling-friendly policies have prompted various discussions and conflicts, particularly in comparison to Twitch’s. Unfortunately, situations such as the one involving Adin Ross suggest that these disputes will continue for the foreseeable future.