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GTA V content creator Cyr successfully collects $16K for suicide prevention in tribute to Etika

Twitch Streamer Raises Funds for Suicide Prevention

Twitch streamer Vincent Cyr raised over $16,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). He did this during a stream dedicated to Desmond “Etika” Amofah, who recently passed away.

A Tribute Stream for Etika

Cyr started his stream feeling down about Etika’s loss. He usually finds comfort in entertainment during tough times. This time, he wanted to offer the same comfort to his viewers.

Streaming for a Cause

Cyr pledged all donations from his stream to AFSP. He shared his own experiences with the Suicide Hotline, highlighting the cause’s importance.
During his eight-hour stream, Cyr played as anime-cyborg Uchiha Jones. His community donated generously, bringing the total to at least $16,305.46. Cyr also added his own money to this total.

Community Effort

By the stream’s end, the community had far exceeded the initial donation goal. Cyr thanked everyone for their incredible support.
If you or someone you know needs help, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 in the US or Samaritans in the UK at 116 123.