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Review: Senua’s Saga Hellblade II – A Thought-Provoking Journey with Limited Risks

Spoilers for Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice ahead.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Exploring the Depths of Grief

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice left players haunted by its heart-wrenching ending. Ninja Theory’s compelling dark adventure took us on a journey where we learned that grief cannot be fought or bargained with. Now, the highly anticipated sequel, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, aims to delve even deeper into the complexities of the human mind. But does it successfully capture the same magic as its predecessor?

Breathe Deeply

Truly breathtaking. Screenshot by ESN.GG

Hellblade II takes us on a new journey with our fierce warrior, Senua. Set in the 10th century, she embarks on a mission to hunt down the Northman slavers who devastated her village and claim vengeance for her lost love. However, her voyage takes an unexpected turn when her ship is shipwrecked off the shores of Iceland. Alone and determined, Senua must now navigate the treacherous Icelandic landscapes in search of her enemies.

One cannot help but be captivated by the game’s attention to detail, particularly its remarkable portrayal of Iceland. Ninja Theory’s use of photogrammetry technology brings the Icelandic environments to life with stunning authenticity. From the rippling lakes to the intricate grooves of the rock faces, every element contributes to an immersive experience that almost transports players to this breathtaking world.

Senua looks at a sphere in a pedestal puzzle
This puzzle won’t take long. Screenshot by ESN.GG

The level of detail extends beyond the environment. Senua herself, along with the characters she encounters, are brought to life through exceptional motion-capture technology. Ninja Theory’s commitment to realism is evident in the smallest of details, from the way Senua’s eyes scan her surroundings to the way her movements cast shadows. The result is a seamless transition between cutscenes and gameplay, blurring the line between fantasy and reality.

Stormy Seas

Senua and her new friends speaking in a group
Get by with a little help from (newfound) friends. Screenshot by ESN.GG

Ninja Theory’s portrayal of mental health in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice was met with mixed reactions. While many praised its realistic depiction of psychosis, others felt it missed the mark in exploring the day-to-day struggles faced by people living with mental health disorders.

In Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, it seems that Ninja Theory has taken this feedback to heart. Senua is still battling her inner demons, but she has accepted her condition and is learning to coexist with her darkness. The voices in her head, which were once overpowering, now fade into the background. Senua’s agency as a character is further emphasized as she makes her own choices, despite the persistent presence of her auditory hallucinations.

Additionally, Hellblade II introduces new characters who join Senua on her quest. Each character has their own experiences of trauma and darkness, shedding light on different aspects of mental health. It is through these interactions and the nuanced portrayal of the Furies that players gain a deeper understanding of Senua’s internal struggles and the societal challenges she faces.

Despite its commendable approach to mental health, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II falls short in finding its own identity. The sequel’s pacing lacks direction, with a slow start that fails to build up to a satisfying climax. The combat feels repetitive, and the puzzles offer little challenge. While the game boasts stunning visuals and immersive audio, it ultimately leaves players yearning for more substance.

Finding Senua

Senua looks tired as she roams a beach
Where does the series go from here? Screenshot by ESN.GG

Ninja Theory faced a daunting task in tackling the complexities of mental health in a sequel. Their commitment to realism and nuanced portrayal of Senua’s mental struggles is admirable, yet it comes at the cost of losing the essence that made Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice so impactful.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is a worthy continuation of the series, offering a deeper exploration of the human mind and the challenges faced by those living with mental health disorders. However, it falls short in terms of storytelling and gameplay, leaving players craving a more cohesive experience. Despite its flaws, the game’s stunning environments, realistic motion-capture, and immersive audio make it a visually and audibly captivating journey.

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided by Xbox for review. Reviewed on Xbox Series X.

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