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NOVOMATIC Continues Its Long-standing Tradition with Top-notch Participants at Player Protection Symposium

Responsible Gaming Symposium

Responsible Gaming Symposium Highlights Importance of Player Protection

Player protection and prevention took center stage at the recent Responsible Gaming Symposium. Experts emphasized the need for responsibility in the gaming industry, from preventative measures to regulatory compliance. NOVOMATIC, a leading gaming company, highlighted its commitment to operating in markets with clear laws and regulations and prioritizing player protection.

NOVOMATIC’s Commitment to Responsible Entertainment

Johannes Gratzl, Executive Board Member of NOVOMATIC AG, stressed the significance of responsible entertainment within the company. He highlighted that NOVOMATIC goes beyond legal requirements by implementing measures to enhance prevention efforts. The company is certified by the Global Gambling Guidance Group (G4), demonstrating its dedication to the highest international player protection standard.

Active Responsibility for Player Protection

Clinical psychology experts Oliver Scheibenbogen and Ute Andorfer discussed the importance of an active sense of responsibility in player protection. They emphasized that responsible gaming involves not only meeting legal obligations but also actively preventing addiction risks. Both companies and customers must work together to fight the dangers of addiction.

Pioneering Player Protection in Austria and Beyond

Monika Racek, Executive Board Member of ADMIRAL Casinos & Entertainment AG, highlighted the emphasis on player protection in the Austrian market. She mentioned that player protection is now the most crucial factor when issuing licenses. ADMIRAL has been a pioneer in this area, continuously improving its responsible entertainment practices based on scientific concepts. The company’s network includes trained prevention officers responsible for implementing effective protection measures.

Christoph Neubauer, Head of Group CR & Sustainability at NOVOMATIC AG, discussed the diverse requirements for responsible gaming in international markets. Each market has its own specific needs, and NOVOMATIC adapts its measures accordingly. Representatives from NOVOMATIC Spain presented an innovative prevention platform that promotes responsible use of new technologies.

Related responsible gaming, player protection, prevention measures, regulatory compliance.