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What Is the Function of the Helper Whistle in Pokémon Sleep?

The Helper Whistle is a cool item in Pokémon Sleep. Let’s break down what it does. First, you need to know about Helper Pokémon and berries. You make friends with Helper Pokémon by giving them biscuits. This ups their Friendship Points. They also have skills and get stronger as you bond with them.

Also, berries in Pokémon Sleep help feed Snorlax, not heal. The more you feed Snorlax, the more Pokémon you find. Helper Pokémon gather these berries for you. So, what’s up with the Helper Whistle?

What the Helper Whistle Does

This whistle is super powerful. One blow makes your Helper Pokémon find three hours’ worth of berries and ingredients right away. So, the Helper Whistle speeds up your sleep research by getting you lots of berries and ingredients fast.

For me, this whistle changed the game. My bunch of sleeping Pokémon keeps getting bigger, thanks to this whistle. It even helped me catch a Shiny Pokémon by feeding lots of berries to Snorlax.

Related: Pokémon Sleep’s clever easter egg wins praise from classic Pokémon fans

The Helper Whistle played a big role in my success. It’s not just about catching Pokémon. It’s about bonding and growing your team fast. If you’re playing Pokémon Sleep, don’t overlook this awesome tool.