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Volcanion and Other Yet-to-be-Released Pokémon Uncovered in Pokémon Go Data Leak

Niantic is stirring the pot in Pokémon Go again. This time, dataminers dug up gold in the game’s latest update. They found a Mythical Pokémon that’s still under wraps. Plus, they spotted updated models for Mega Salamence. This dragon is joining us for the Twinkling Fantasy event. But the real talk of the town is Volcanion, a Mythical Pokémon from Pokémon X and Y. It’s the first of its kind with Fire/Water-type abilities. However, Niantic hasn’t dropped any hints on when it will show up in the game.

New Pokemon teased by PokeMiners on Twitter The tweet from PokeMiners showed us what’s coming. But the story doesn’t end there. Niantic loves to make a big deal about new Mythical Pokémon. They often link them to big events or even whole seasons. Volcanion may not seem like enough to carry a whole season on its back. Yet, that won’t stop the devs from trying to make more out of it.

You might remember how Niantic turned Ultra Beasts into an alien invasion. They’re known for getting creative. Now, with Volcanion’s model popping up in the game’s backend, it’s clear something big is coming. We just have to wait for more news on what the next season or event will bring.

On top of all that, there’s buzz around Cutiefly and Ribombee. These Bug/Fairy types from Alola are next to join Pokémon Go. It was expected, especially after Crabrawler’s debut in the holiday season. So, keep an eye out. These little warriors are about to flutter into the game very soon.