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Top Venusaur Build in Pokémon UNITE

Best Venusaur Build in Pokémon Unite

Pokémon Unite, the latest addition to the world of esports, has grabbed the attention of gamers worldwide. Among the roster of Pokémon available for players to choose from, Venusaur has emerged as a popular pick due to its versatile playstyle and powerful moves. In this article, we will explore the best build for Venusaur in Pokémon Unite, helping you dominate the competition on the battlefield.

Choosing the Right Held Items

To maximize Venusaur’s potential, it’s crucial to equip it with the right held items. The first item we recommend is the Float Stone. This item increases Venusaur’s movement speed and grants a bonus to its attack and special attack stats when moving. With increased mobility, Venusaur can quickly traverse the map and deal significant damage to opponents.

The second held item we suggest is the Energy Amplifier. This item enhances Venusaur’s special attack damage when it scores a goal, allowing it to capitalize on its scoring potential. By combining the Float Stone with the Energy Amplifier, Venusaur becomes a formidable force both in battles and during goal-scoring opportunities.

Lastly, consider equipping the Buddy Barrier as the third held item. This item provides Venusaur with a shield when its HP drops below 50%, granting it survivability in intense team fights. The Buddy Barrier ensures Venusaur can continue contributing to the match without constantly worrying about getting knocked out.

Choosing the Right Battle Items

Venusaur’s battle items should complement its playstyle and augment its abilities. We recommend the Eject Button as the primary battle item. This item allows Venusaur to quickly escape from unfavorable situations or initiate aggressive engages by using it as a gap-closer. The Eject Button enables Venusaur to reposition itself effectively, securing kills or saving its own life when needed.

For the secondary battle item, we suggest the X Attack. By using this item, Venusaur’s attack damage increases, allowing it to deal devastating blows to opponents. The X Attack serves as a significant power boost during crucial team fights or when attempting to secure important objectives such as Zapdos.

Optimal Moveset

Choosing the right moves for Venusaur is vital in maximizing its effectiveness in battles. We recommend the following moves for an optimal Venusaur build:

– Sludge Bomb: This move damages opponents while also inflicting them with the poison debuff, reducing their movement speed and dealing continuous damage over time.
– Leaf Tornado: This move creates a vortex of leaves, damaging and briefly stunning enemies caught in its area of effect.
– Solar Beam: Solar Beam is a powerful move that deals massive damage to opponents. However, it requires charging before unleashing its full potential, so make sure to time it strategically.
– Unite Move – Verdant Anger: Venusaur’s Unite Move, Verdant Anger, summons a giant plant to deal massive area-of-effect damage to surrounding enemies. It’s an excellent move for turning the tide of team fights or securing objectives like Dreadnaw or Rotom.

Dominating the Battle

With the recommended build and moveset, Venusaur is ready to dominate the battlefield in Pokémon Unite. Remember to utilize its mobility with the Float Stone, capitalize on goal-scoring potential with the Energy Amplifier, and survive intense team fights with the Buddy Barrier. Combine these held items with the Eject Button and X Attack battle items for effective engages and increased damage output. Finally, master the optimal moveset, including abilities like Sludge Bomb, Leaf Tornado, Solar Beam, and the devastating Verdant Anger Unite Move. By following these strategies, you’ll have a formidable Venusaur build that can lead your team to victory in Pokémon Unite.