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Top Eldegoss Build in Pokémon UNITE

Best Eldegoss Build in Pokémon Unite

Are you looking for the best Eldegoss build in Pokémon Unite? Look no further! In this guide, we will break down the optimal build for Eldegoss, so you can maximize its potential on the battlefield.

Eldegoss’s Role in Pokémon Unite

Eldegoss is a Supporter Pokémon with strong healing abilities. Its main role in battles is to support its teammates by healing and buffing them. With its moves like Leafage, Cotton Spore, Pollen Puff, and Cotton Guard, Eldegoss excels in providing sustainability to its allies while hindering and debuffing opponents.

Recommended Eldegoss Build

To create the best Eldegoss build, focus on enhancing its healing capabilities and survivability. Here is our recommended Eldegoss build for maximum effectiveness:

1. Held Items:
– Buddy Barrier: This item increases the damage reduction provided by the Unite Move by a certain percentage. It helps Eldegoss and its teammates to endure incoming damage.
– Exp. Share: This item allows Eldegoss to gain experience points even when it is not directly involved in defeating wild Pokémon or enemy players. It helps Eldegoss level up quickly and fulfill its supportive role more effectively.
– Shell Bell: This item provides a small portion of the damage dealt by Eldegoss’s moves as HP recovery. It helps Eldegoss sustain itself during battles and continue supporting its teammates without constantly returning to the base.

2. Battle Item:
– Eject Button: This battle item allows Eldegoss to quickly reposition itself during fights. It helps Eldegoss escape dangerous situations or move closer to allies in need of healing.

Strategy and Tips

Here are some strategies and tips to make the most out of your Eldegoss build:

– Stick close to your teammates and prioritize healing them when needed.
– Make use of Cotton Spore and Pollen Puff to hinder opponents or debuff them for your teammates to capitalize on.
– Utilize Cotton Guard to protect yourself and your teammates from incoming damage.
– Communicate with your teammates and coordinate your Unite Moves for maximum impact during team fights.
– Position yourself strategically to provide healing support while minimizing the risk of getting caught by enemy Pokémon.

With this optimal Eldegoss build and effective strategies, you will become an invaluable asset to your team, ensuring their success on the battlefield. Now, go out there, support your teammates, and lead your team to victory in Pokémon Unite!