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Ting-Lu is Transforming the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Meta, but Wolfe Glick Disagrees

With the new Regulation C rule in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet VGC games, we saw the four Treasures of Ruin – Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu, Wo-Chien, and Ting-Lu show off their skills at the Fort Wayne Regionals. These new Legendary Pokémon have cool abilities that lower stats, plus a special move called Ruination. They were super popular at the event, even though Wo-Chien didn’t do as well on the second day.

The Standout: Ting-Lu

Ting-Lu caught everyone’s eye this weekend, thanks to its use of the move Fissure. Ting-Lu is tough but not usually on the attack like Chien-Pao or Chi-Yu. Its strength and Ground-type make Fissure – a hit or miss move that can knock out in one go – a risky but rewarding choice.

When Fissure hits, it’s game over for the target. But, a miss isn’t all bad. If Fissure misses, Ting-Lu’s next move, Stomping Tantrum, gets double power from 75 to 150. This makes trying for a Fissure hit a smart choice sometimes. After all, Pokémon games always have a bit of luck involved. However, not everyone loves relying on chance. Champion Wolfe Glick said he’s not a fan of needing luck to win.

Wolfe Glick Speaks Out

After one game at Fort Wayne, Wolfe shared his thoughts about Fissure. He was clear: “I don’t like it. I don’t respect it.” It shows how even pros can get frustrated with the unpredictability of certain moves.

Yet, Wolfe also admitted there’s a skill in using Ting-Lu and Fissure wisely. It’s all about positioning Ting-Lu where it’s safe and can try Fissure multiple times without too much risk.

Lucky Hits Make the Difference

Sometimes luck plays a big part, like when semi-finalist Fiona Szymkiewicz hit four out of five Fissures in a match against Luka Trejgut. That’s an 80% hit rate, which is incredibly high for such a risky move. Fiona shared she’d lost to Luka before without Ting-Lu. So, she decided to go all in with Fissure in their rematch and won.

This move shows how a bit of risk and luck can turn the tide in Pokémon battles. Whether you love or hate moves like Fissure, they sure make the game exciting. Let’s keep watching to see how strategies evolve with the new Regulation C rules.