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The response to Pokemon Go’s Remote Raid adjustments was predictably negative

Here we are again with another Pokémon Go update that has upset many players. This isn’t new anymore. This time, changes to Remote Raids have sparked anger.

Niantic announced they are hiking the price of Remote Raid Passes. These passes let you join Raids from afar. They also set a daily limit on how many Raids you can join. Players quickly voiced their anger. Disabled players and those in remote areas will be hit hard by this change.

The Community Reacts

Everyone loved joining Raids from home, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It kept them safe from the virus.

Players had sensed a change was coming. Joe Merrick of found hints of this update before Niantic announced it.

Niantic’s Reasoning

Niantic shared their reason for these changes. They said it was to keep the game balanced.

“Remote Raid Passes changed Pokémon Go in ways we didn’t expect,” says Niantic. They plan to keep the passes but want to ensure the game stays healthy for years to come. They believe this move is a step toward keeping the game enjoyable for the future.

Going Outside Matters

Niantic wants players to explore outdoors. This has been their goal from the start. By making changes, they push players to meet up and play together.

Anticipating Backlash

Niantic knew this wouldn’t be a popular decision. Ed Wu from Pokémon Go even discussed it with Eurogamer, trying to justify the decision.

Wu told Eurogamer, “We get why players might be upset. But we think it’s the best move for the game’s future.”

The community disagrees. Even though Niantic braced for the backlash, they and the players will have to see how these changes affect the game and its revenue.

Players are always upset when Niantic removes something they love or adds pay-to-play features. This time, the anger is even sharper. Before, when the community was this mad, it was about Community Day hours being cut. Now, players are more upset than ever.

Sadly, regular players have little power other than not spending money. If enough players refuse to pay for these changed features, Niantic will see the impact in their earnings.