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Pokkén Tournament’s competitive support to cease after the 2022 Pokémon World Championships

Pokken Tournament to End Competitive Support After 2022 Pokémon World Championships

Pokken Tournament, the popular Pokémon fighting game developed by Bandai Namco, will no longer receive competitive support following the conclusion of the 2022 Pokémon World Championships.

The decision was announced by The Pokémon Company International and invites players to enjoy the final season of competitive play. However, the game will continue to be available for casual play and enjoyment.

With the conclusion of the 2022 Pokémon World Championships, the competitive scene for Pokken Tournament will come to an end. This means that official tournaments, updates, and other competitive events will no longer take place. The focus will shift towards other Pokémon titles, ensuring that the competitive community has new and exciting options to explore.

While Pokken Tournament’s competitive era fades away, fans need not despair as the game will still be readily accessible for casual players. Although competitive support will be discontinued, players can continue enjoying the game’s unique battle mechanics and engaging gameplay.

The decision to halt competitive support for the game may come as a surprise to some, but it’s worth noting that this is a common occurrence in the world of esports. As the industry evolves, publishers often shift their resources towards newer and more popular titles. This allows for investment in fresh competitive scenes and keeps the esports landscape ever-changing.

Pokken Tournament enthusiasts are encouraged to make the most of the game’s remaining competitive season and participate in the 2022 Pokémon World Championships before bidding farewell to the official competitive circuit. As the sun sets on the game’s competitive era, it marks the beginning of new opportunities for both players and fans to explore the ever-evolving world of Pokémon esports.


Pokken Tournament’s competitive journey reaches its conclusion with the conclusion of the 2022 Pokémon World Championships. While the game will no longer receive official competitive support, it will remain available for casual play, allowing players to continue enjoying its unique gameplay mechanics. As the esports landscape evolves, the decision to shift resources to new titles is not uncommon. Pokken Tournament enthusiasts are encouraged to embrace the final competitive season and relish the opportunity to explore the ever-growing world of Pokémon esports.