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Pokémon’s Twitter Account Confuses Release Dates for Black and White’s 10-Year Anniversary

Pokémon Twitter Account Mixes Up Release Dates for Black and White’s 10-Year Anniversary

The official Pokémon Twitter account recently made a mistake when sharing a post about the 10-year anniversary of Pokémon Black and White, misleading fans about the actual release dates.

Instead of acknowledging that February 18 marked the anniversary, the tweet erroneously stated that February 27 was the release date for the iconic games. This oversight sparked confusion among fans who were quick to point out the error.

Pokémon Black and White were first launched in Japan on September 18, 2010, and later released internationally in March 2011. The games were well-received and went on to become major hits in the Pokémon franchise.

The Pokémon Company remedied the situation by issuing a correction on its Twitter account, acknowledging the mistake and providing the accurate release dates. Fans appreciated the swift response and clarification.

Mistakes happen, even for major brands like Pokémon. However, it is essential for companies to maintain accurate information, especially when commemorating significant milestones in their history. Pokémon fans eagerly await future announcements from the franchise, hoping to see more exciting updates and events in the future.


The Pokémon Twitter account’s mix-up of release dates for Pokémon Black and White’s 10-year anniversary caused confusion among fans. Thankfully, the error was promptly corrected, ensuring accurate information was provided.