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Pokémon’s Global Link Service Comes to a Close Today

Pokemon’s Global Link service comes to an end today

The long-running Pokemon Global Link (PGL) service is set to bid farewell today, marking the end of an era for dedicated Pokemon trainers worldwide. The PGL, which has been a significant part of the Pokemon franchise for years, served as a platform for players to connect, compete, and track their progress in various Pokemon games.

With the closure of the PGL, several features and capabilities associated with the service will no longer be available. This includes online competitions, Rating Battles, and the ability to check battle data and rankings. Furthermore, players will no longer be able to access the Global Battle Union (GBU) and Global Battle Stadium (GBS), platforms that promoted competitive gameplay.

The PGL was introduced with the release of Pokemon Black and White back in 2010, and its closure coincides with the end of online services for the Nintendo 3DS console. While Pokemon Home is set to replace certain aspects of the PGL, it will not support online competitions. As a result, players may need to adjust to alternative platforms for competitive Pokemon battles.

Pokemon Sword and Shield, the latest mainline entries in the franchise, will also not feature compatibility with the PGL. Instead, they will offer their own online services for battling and trading. However, players will still be able to transfer Pokemon from previous games to the newest titles using the Pokemon Home app.

The PGL’s end marks the final chapter for an integral part of the competitive Pokemon community. Trainers will now have to adapt to new platforms and features as they continue their journey to become Pokemon Masters.