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Pokémon Go’s Strangest Community Tradition Celebrates an Incredible 6-Year Milestone

A Pokémon Go fan has hit an amazing six-year mark, all thanks to the game’s community support. A Reddit user named Graulithe shared an incredible story of holding a gym for six years with just an eight-CP Weedle. This achievement means the Weedle has stayed in the gym for over 2,000 days straight.

The Community Steps Up

Every year, the Pokémon Go community looks forward to this check-in day. They have played a big role in keeping this unique record going. They didn’t want to see this impressive streak end in disappointment.

A Challenger Appears

After six years, another player found the gym. Many believe this player used spoofing, a way to trick the game. He asked if he should end the Weedle’s long run. Spoofing means you pretend to travel in the game without moving in real life. The community didn’t like this idea. They felt finding the gym this way was unfair.

Most fans urged him to leave the Weedle alone. They didn’t approve of spoofing to find the gym. It seemed clear to many that he had not found the location by playing fair.

The Decision

Luckily, it looks like the player listened to the community. The Weedle stays in its gym home for now. However, with spoofing still a problem in Pokémon Go, its future is uncertain. But, fans hope it will reach a seven-year milestone.

Every Day is Uncertain

Due to spoofing, the Weedle’s reign could end any day. Yet, we all hope this little bug keeps its spot for another year.