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Pokémon Go Players Unite on Suggestions to Enhance New Showcase Feature

Niantic recently rolled out a fun new challenge in Pokémon Go called the PokéStop Showcase. This has sparked discussions among players on how to make it better.

Feedback from the Community

Many players are talking about how the competition could be more user-friendly. Right now, you can’t see the scores until you join the showcase. Some players use this to their advantage by checking scores with one account and then joining with another. This doesn’t seem fair to everyone. Players suggest having the scores visible all the time would make things better and more fair. Also, being able to see your Pokémon’s showcase score anytime would help. Currently, you only get general info, not the specific scores.

Current Issues

The setup right now limits players to three PokéStop Showcases. If you join and don’t win, you can’t try a new showcase if you’ve already joined three. This is a problem because people with more than one account can check out the scores first. They then join if they think they can win, leaving others at a disadvantage.

Some players are running into bugs and can’t join contests at all. Others are frustrated because once you hit the entry limit, you can’t switch your Pokémon for a different contest. But, there’s hope. Niantic might make changes in the next update. Players are crossing their fingers that the scores will be visible all the time. This would make the competition fairer for everyone, especially those without extra accounts.

Looking Forward

Despite these issues, the PokéStop Showcase has brought a lot of excitement to the Pokémon Go community. Niantic aims to fix some of these problems with updates. Players are eager for improvements. Making scores always visible and allowing more freedom with contest entries could really boost the fun.

Everyone is waiting to see how Niantic responds to this feedback. Players hope for a fairer, more engaging PokéStop Showcase in future updates. This could make Pokémon Go even more enjoyable for everyone.