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Pokémon Community Praises Amoonguss as a ‘Trans Rights Advocate’ After VGC Player’s Offensive Remarks

Amoonguss Becomes Trans Rights Icon in Pokémon Community

Pokémon Community Praises Amoonguss as a 'Trans Rights Advocate' After VGC Player's Offensive Remarks

A Pokémon VGC player recently faced criticism for making transphobic comments, leading to the emergence of Amoonguss as a symbol of Trans Rights. In the finals of the Orlando Regionals last weekend, Amoonguss defeated the player, garnering support from the community.

Controversial Transphobic Comment and Fallout

On April 15, a screenshot was shared within the Pokémon community, allegedly showing well-known VGC player Neil Patel making transphobic remarks. The comment stated his unwillingness to support individuals changing their gender, referring to it as a mental illness. Even before this incident, Patel faced backlash for pretending to be a minor on social media. Shortly after the transphobic comment spread, Patel announced his departure from the community.