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Niantic’s Efforts to Reduce Level Requirements for Reviewing Wayspots in Pokémon Go

Niantic working to lower level requirements for Pokémon GO players to review Wayspots

Niantic Labs, the developer behind the popular mobile game Pokémon GO, is currently working on reducing the level requirements for players to review Wayspots in the game. Wayspots are locations where players can interact, such as PokéStops and Gyms.

The current level requirement for players to review Wayspots is level 38. However, Niantic understands the importance of having more players participate in the reviewing process to ensure a better gaming experience for all. As a result, they are aiming to lower this requirement to a more accessible level.

Lowering the level requirement will allow a larger pool of players to contribute to the review process, providing fresh perspectives and a wider range of knowledge and expertise in identifying suitable locations for Wayspots. This will help in reducing the backlog and response time for reviewing submitted locations.

By encouraging more players to get involved and contribute, Niantic aims to create a more inclusive and engaging community. The company acknowledges the value of feedback from passionate players and believes in the power of collaborative efforts in improving the overall gameplay experience.

While specific details about the revised level requirements have yet to be announced, Niantic has expressed their commitment to keeping the community informed about any updates or changes. This transparency ensures that players have a clear understanding of the process and can actively participate in making Pokémon GO even better.


Niantic’s efforts to lower the level requirements for players to review Wayspots in Pokémon GO demonstrate their dedication to fostering an inclusive and engaging community. By involving a greater number of players in the review process, the company aims to improve the overall gameplay experience and reduce the backlog of pending submissions. Stay tuned for updates on the revised level requirements, as Niantic continues to prioritize open communication and collaboration with their player base.