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Niantic Introduces New Snorlax in Pokémon Go Accessible Only Through Expensive Plus Subscription

The exclusive Snorlax with a nightcap is coming to Pokémon Go’s Catching Some Z’s event. But there’s a catch. You must own the new Pokémon Go Plus gadget. In the U.S., it costs $54.99 and £49.99 in Europe. Snorlax Nightcap

How to Get the Special Snorlax

To grab this unique Snorlax, complete a Special Research task. You can only do this with the Pokémon Go Plus device connected to the app. It’s a big spend, especially if you weren’t planning to buy the gadget.

Some think this tactic pushes people to buy more devices. Yet, you can catch more than one Snorlax per account. You just need to disconnect and reconnect your device. This might change if it’s a glitch.

Niantic’s History with Paywalls

Niantic has made players pay before. They’ve hosted many events needing tickets. Yet, this Snorlax event might start a trend. It could lead to more content locked behind the Pokémon Go Plus device. Still, this might be too early to say.

The Plus and Minus of Pokémon Go Plus

The Pokémon Go Plus isn’t all bad. It lets you play hands-free. It throws Poké Balls and spins PokéStops by itself. However, it’s facing some glitches right now.

Is the Price Justified?

Whether the device is worth its cost is up for debate. But one thing is clear. If you want a sleeping Snorlax in your collection, you need this device. It’s the only way to catch one, aside from trading.

This situation creates a dilemma for players. Invest in the device or miss out on special content. The choice is yours, but this event highlights a growing trend in the game. Will more exclusive content follow? Only time will tell.