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Niantic Introduces a Highly Anticipated Change to Pokémon Go’s Remote Raids

Niantic has just announced big changes for Pokémon Go’s Remote Raids. They found that players were worried after some online hints. Now it’s official. They are tweaking Remote Raids starting April 6. They’ll change prices, put limits on how many raids you can join, and more.

What’s Changing?

From now on, you can only do five Remote Raids a day. You might think that’s not too bad. After all, you can only have three Remote Raid Passes at once. But the main issue is, Niantic is cutting back on one way to play, to push “in-person” gameplay.

If you join a raid in person, you’re more likely to get Candy XL after. A small change to get players outside is okay. But it’s harsh when it affects other parts of the game. Niantic says, since 2020, Remote Raid Passes changed Pokémon Go in ways they didn’t want. They hope giving more Candy XL and new perks will make playing outside with others more fun.

Players React

Not surprisingly, fans aren’t happy with these Remote Raid changes. But there’s a silver lining. Remote Raid Passes will now be part of monthly Research Breakthrough rewards. This makes them a bit easier to get. Yet, their shop price will go up. So, it’s a bit of a downside for those relying on these passes.

A Glimmer of Hope

There’s some good news, though. Niantic might not limit raid numbers during special events. This means players who love Remote Raids can still enjoy some content. Also, they don’t plan to get rid of Remote Raid Passes completely. They believe pushing towards in-person play is crucial for the game’s future.

Looking Ahead

The changes to Pokémon Go’s Remote Raids are big. Niantic wants to balance the game and encourage outdoor play. But, it’s clear, they’ll keep an eye on how these updates affect the game and its players. For now, we watch and see how this evolves.