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New Pokémon Go Plus+: Comprehensive Guide to Autocatcher Features

Pokémon Day 2023 brought some exciting news for fans. The new Pokémon Go Plus+ device got announced. It will make Pokémon Go more fun and support the Pokémon Sleep app.

This device will come out on July 14. It promises features our players have been waiting for. It does what previous versions did, plus more.

Exciting New Features

The Pokémon Go Plus+ adds cool features. Players can now pick the Poké Ball they want to use.

Players can switch between Poké Balls, Great Balls, or Ultra Balls with a button. No more running out of regular Poké Balls! This device lets players use their stash conveniently.

Support for Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sleep

The new feature lets you pick your ball. That’s the update for Pokémon Go. Players can also use it with Pokémon Sleep.

You can pre-order the Pokémon Go Plus+ for $54.99 on the Nintendo website. It will also be in stores on July 14.