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Latest Raging Bolt and Iron Crown Details Reveal Game-Changing Moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

The 2023 Pokémon World Championships dazzled fans with a thrilling new trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s next DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. This peek showed off two intriguing Paradox Pokémon, Raging Bolt and Iron Crown, and introduced us to some fantastic new moves.

Meet the Newcomers

First seen on Aug. 8 during a Pokémon Presents event, Raging Bolt and Iron Crown have finally been detailed, revealing their types and special moves. Raging Bolt, mirroring Violet’s Legendary, Miraidon, is an Electric/Dragon type. Its new move, Thunderclap, promises to make battles exciting. This Electric-type attack hits first if the opponent plans to attack, just like the well-loved Sucker Punch move. This could give Raging Bolt an edge, even against faster Pokémon.

Iron Crown takes inspiration from Cobalion, presenting a Steel/Psychic-type twist. It boasts a unique move, Tachyon Cutter, that hits twice and never misses, offering a reliable counter against Focus Sash users and evasive opponents.

DLC Highlights

This DLC isn’t just bringing new Pokémon into the mix. It’s reviving all the beloved Starter Pokémon, adding a nostalgia factor to The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.

Moreover, the trailer highlighted two more moves, Upper Hand and Psychic Noise, set to shake up the meta. Upper Hand, a Fighting-type move, will outspeed and flinch any Pokémon trying to use a priority move. This could be a game-changer, discouraging opponents from relying on common priority moves. Psychic Noise, on the other hand, will damage and prevent healing, making it tough for bulky Pokémon to stay in battle for long.

Game-Changing Strategies

These four new moves are ready to refresh competitive play. They address critical elements like priority, accuracy, and healing, introducing new strategies for players to explore.

This upcoming DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet promises to add depth to the game, challenging players to adapt and innovate. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just diving into the Pokémon world, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is set to offer something exciting for everyone. Get ready to explore new tactics and team compositions as these new moves and Pokémon shake up the battlefield!