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Landorus emerges as the Pokémon hero for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet VGC, as stated by experts

Landorus emerges as the Pokémon hero for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet VGC, as stated by experts

The Best Genie in Pokémon VGC: Landorus Incarnate

In the world of competitive Pokémon battles, the Gen V Forces of Nature, also known as the “Legendary Genies,” have always played a vital role. When it comes to the current Pokémon VGC meta, the time has come for Landorus Incarnate to take the spotlight. We asked the pros at ESN.GG about what sets Landorus’ Incarnate forme apart as the top genie in the game right now.

Landorus Incarnate vs. Therian Forme

In competitive play, Landorus is often associated with its popular Therian forme. It has been a key Intimidate user and formidable physical attacker in recent times, particularly in Regulation E. However, with the introduction of the current ruleset, Regulation F, the Therian forme has lost its prominence, making way for the Incarnate forme. Despite belonging to the same species, these two formes play distinct roles. While Landorus Therian is often used to weaken physical attackers by frequently switching in and out of battle with Intimidate, its Incarnate forme is a more offensive force on the special side with excellent type coverage.