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Iron Hands Weaknesses and Optimal Counters in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

How to Beat Iron Hands in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet shook things up with Iron Hands. This new Fighting/Electric-type Pokémon can throw even skilled trainers for a loop. If you’re not ready, Iron Hands will hit you hard. But don’t worry, here are some tips to take it down.

Iron Hands: Know Your Enemy

Iron Hands is a mix of Fighting and Electric types. This combo switches up weaknesses and adds a new resistance. Its stats are also super high, close to Legendary Pokémon level.

In the game, you’ll face Iron Hands mainly in two story events. Most other times, you’ll encounter it while hunting or battling online.

How to Counter Iron Hands

Despite its tough exterior, Iron Hands isn’t unbeatable. It has no immunities, which is good news. However, it’s resistant to several types, so hitting it hard can be tricky.

Here’s what you need to know: it’s weak against Ground, Psychic, and Fairy types. But it resists Rock, Electric, Bug, Dark, and Steel types. Everything else does normal damage.

Iron Hands is a powerhouse, with a whopping 570 stat total. Its strengths lie in its HP, Attack, and Defense. Knowing its stats can help you choose the right Pokémon to face it.

When battling Iron Hands, use Special Attackers. Physical defensive Pokémon that resist its moves like Close Combat and Wild Charge also work well. Be cautious with Fairy types; Iron Hands’ Iron Head move can quickly take them down.

Building a Strong Iron Hands

Most trainers equip Iron Hands with a strong Fighting move, Earthquake, and an Electric move. Earthquake is key, helping it break through defenses. Here are common items and moves you’ll see on Iron Hands:

– Items vary, including Leftovers and Choice Band
– EVs often focus on Attack, with some placed in HP, Defense, and Special Defense
– Its ability, Quark Drive, boosts its power
– Adamant nature is common, boosting its attack further

Who Can Beat Iron Hands?

Choosing Ground or Psychic types is smart. Ground types block its Electric moves and have strong defenses. For example, Donphan and Garchomp are great against it.

Psychic types may not resist as much but can hit where Iron Hands is weakest. Pokémon like Bronzong and Espeon are good choices here. If you use a Fairy type, be ready for Iron Hands’ Iron Head and Earthquake.

Pokémon like Iron Valiant and Sylveon can still make an impact. Any Pokémon that can take a hit and answer back with Earthquake can also be a viable option.

With these tips, you’re now ready to face Iron Hands head-on. Choose the right Pokémon and strategy, and you’ll come out on top.