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I’m Already Tired of Pokemon Sleep

Fans Excited for Pokémon Sleep Might Be in for a Snooze

Pokémon fans are super excited about the new mobile game Pokémon Sleep, but the truth is, it might just make you want to hit the snooze button. It’s not just a bit boring, it could also make your wallet cry if you’re not careful. Trust me, it’s wearing me out.

Catching Pokémon in Your Sleep

The game works like this: it tracks your sleep, and when you wake up, there are Pokémon waiting for you to catch. This helps your buddy Snorlax level up through different items and skills. It makes it easier to find and catch unusual Pokémon later on. Maybe the small Pokémon like sleeping next to Snorlax. All I know is, I want to catch them all.

Sleep rewards you if you sleep well and at regular times. Or at least, it’s supposed to. The game quickly becomes boring and repetitive. And it feels almost like a trick to make you spend real money.

Dozing, snoozing, and slumbering Pokémon

All three of the different sleep styles, Image via Niantic

The Catch?

You need items called Biscuits to catch Pokémon, but getting enough without paying real money is hard. You only get them after sleeping. I missed out on catching Pokémon because I didn’t have enough Biscuits. This means waiting another day and hoping for better luck.

This creates a boring cycle of sleeping, waking up to see if you can catch the Pokémon you want, and repeating. It’s slow, unrewarding, and frustrating. Instead of feeling like a game that rewards sleep, it just leaves you feeling let down each morning.

The Real Cost of Sleeping

Each morning, I’m tempted to just buy Biscuits with real money. To speed up leveling my Snorlax and see more Pokémon. It would make the game more enjoyable. Paying money to catch a Shiny Pokémon seems wrong. The game should not push you to spend real cash.

The in-game currency shop with items at launch for Pokémon Sleep

A look at the in-game store, Screenshot by ESN.GG
It’s not just about catching Pokémon. Unlocking new features and leveling up depends on your luck too. You need to find Pokémon with different sleep styles. Imagine my surprise when one morning I found three Pichu all sleeping the same way. Eight hours of sleep for no progress. Better luck next time, right?

Pokémon Sleep is just not fun right now. What sounded like a cool idea is a slow, messy game that doesn’t feel rewarding. And ironically, it’s making me more tired and less interested in playing further. If the goal was to make me sleep more, well, mission accomplished – just not the way I hoped.