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How to Obtain Ursaluna in Pokémon GO

How to obtain Ursaluna in Pokémon GO

If you want to add the mighty Ursaluna to your Pokémon GO collection, you’re in luck. This guide will walk you through the steps to capture this popular Pokémon.

1. Participate in Raid Battles

To get Ursaluna, you’ll need to participate in Raid Battles. Keep an eye out for Raid Battles happening near you. These are special events where you join a group of trainers to battle against a powerful Pokémon.

2. Defeat the Raid Boss

Once you’ve found a Raid Battle, gather a group of trainers and challenge the Raid Boss. Work together to deplete its health and defeat it within the time limit.

3. Capture Ursaluna

After a successful Raid Battle, you’ll have the opportunity to capture Ursaluna. Use Premier Balls, which are given to you as rewards for defeating the Raid Boss, to increase your chances of catching this elusive Pokémon. Aim carefully and time your throws to improve your odds of success.

4. Strengthen and Evolve Ursaluna

Congratulations on catching Ursaluna! Now, you can focus on training and evolving it to make it even stronger. Use Stardust and Candy to power up and evolve Ursaluna into its more powerful forms.

Remember to have fun during your Pokémon GO journey and enjoy the process of capturing and evolving Ursaluna. Good luck, trainer!