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Frustrating Legendary Encounters Cause Pokémon Go Fans to Fear Their Master Ball Concerns Are Realized

Pokémon Go fans, listen up! Galarian Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres are still out there for you to catch. Many believe the Master Ball was introduced just for these special birds.

Struggle to Catch

A Reddit post on Aug. 1 shows players having a tough time catching these Pokémon without a Master Ball. Answers in the thread suggest it’s not easy. Most players said they barely see these Pokémon. They often use daily incense but still fail to catch them. One player shared they caught one with a regular Pokéball by chance, calling it their luckiest game moment.

Surprise Debut

These legendary birds made a sudden appearance in July 2022. Catching them is hard. You must use Daily Adventure Incense, opening a 15-minute chance once a day. The catch rate is low, at three percent, while they have a 90% chance to flee, making a Master Ball almost a must-have.

Master Ball Concerns

When the Master Ball came out in May, players thought it was just for the Galarian trio. Catching them using berries, excellent throws, or Ultra Balls is nearly impossible due to their high flee rate. “If you don’t catch them on the first throw, they’re gone. So, you need insane luck or a Master Ball,” said one user.

Free But for How Long?

Right now, you can get a Master Ball for free by finishing the Let’s Go! Special Research in Season 10: Rising Heroes. Players are unsure if more Master Balls will appear for free or if they’ll eventually require payment, which worries many.

Pokémon Go keeps offering challenges, but catching the Galarian legendary birds is becoming a legend itself. What are your experiences? Have you caught them? Share your stories below.