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Fans believe the inverted versions of two Pokémon surpass the originals in appearance

A Big Hit: Pokémon’s Unending Charm

Pokémon is a global sensation, known for its magical creatures that capture the hearts of players. Every new game brings Pokémon that fans eagerly collect. But sometimes, fans show us how some Pokémon designs could be even cooler.

Fan Creations Take Center Stage

A post on Reddit has caught the eyes of Pokémon lovers. It showcases Flutter Mane and Misdreavus flipped upside down. The twist? Their mouths moved to new spots. This simple change makes them look like brand new Pokémon. It feels like something The Pokémon Company might think of for future games.

Flutter Mane and Misdreavus Upside Down

Flutter Mane transforms into a friendly, blob-like creature with spiky underbelly and wing-like tentacles. Upside down, its small body appears to have a ponytail on top. Normally fierce, the creature now looks much friendlier, like an octopus.

Misdreavus turns into a gentleman, complete with a new mustache. Its transformed look includes blob-like features and tentacles ending in purple tufts, resembling a ponytail. Fans have lovingly named this form “Misterdreavus.”

Fans Always Want More

The Pokémon community’s love for these creatures knows no bounds. Every new game and Pokémon addition sparks fresh excitement and discoveries among fans.

Where Creativity Meets Fandom

This creative spin on familiar faces shows the boundless imagination of Pokémon fans. Such fan-made concepts not only entertain but inspire the community, hinting at endless possibilities for future Pokémon designs.