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Fall 2020: The Complete List of Pokémon available in Pokémon Go Eggs

All Pokémon Available in Pokémon GO Eggs – Fall 2020

Pokémon GO has always been a game that gives players the chance to catch a variety of Pokémon. One way to acquire Pokémon in the game is by hatching Eggs. These Eggs can be obtained from PokéStops, and they contain a wide range of Pokémon species. If you’re wondering which Pokémon you have the chance to obtain from Eggs in Pokémon GO, here is a comprehensive list of all the Pokémon available in Eggs during the Fall of 2020.

Egg Distances and Pokémon

Different Pokémon are classified into different Egg distances in Pokémon GO. This means that depending on the specific Egg distance, certain Pokémon have a higher chance of hatching from that particular Egg. The current Egg distances as of Fall 2020 are:

2 km Eggs

– Bulbasaur
– Charmander
– Squirtle
– Caterpie
– Weedle
– Pidgey
– Rattata
– Spearow
– Pikachu
– Clefairy
– Jigglypuff
– Zubat
– Geodude
– Magikarp
– Hoppip
– Wooper
– Tyrogue
– Wurmple
– Feebas
– Budew

5 km Eggs

– Sandshrew
– Vulpix
– Paras
– Meowth
– Psyduck
– Mankey
– Growlithe
– Poliwag
– Abra
– Machop
– Bellsprout
– Tentacool
– Ponyta
– Slowpoke
– Magnemite
– Farfetch’d (east Asia exclusive)
– Doduo
– Seel
– Grimer
– Shellder
– Gastly
– Drowzee
– Krabby
– Voltorb
– Exeggcute
– Cubone
– Lickitung
– Koffing
– Rhyhorn
– Tangela
– Kangaskhan (Australasia exclusive)
– Horsea
– Goldeen
– Staryu
– Scyther
– Pinsir
– Tauros (North America exclusive)
– Magmar
– Porygon
– Heracross (South America exclusive)
– Elekid
– Magby
– Miltank

10 km Eggs

– Onix
– Hitmonlee
– Hitmonchan
– Chansey
– Mr. Mime (Europe exclusive)
– Farfetch’d (outside east Asia)
– Kangaskhan (outside Australasia)
– Lapras
– Eevee
– Porygon2
– Smoochum
– Elekid
– Magby
– Miltank
– Blissey
– Raikou
– Entei
– Suicune
– Larvitar
– Phanpy
– Porygon
– Mareep
– Sudowoodo
– Houndour
– Tyranitar
– Hitmontop
– Feebas
– Absol
– Wynaut
– Snorunt
– Swinub
– Mawile
– Ralts
– Slakoth
– Nincada
– Sableye
– Mawile
– Aron
– Meditite
– Electrike
– Shuppet
– Duskull
– Wynaut
– Spheal
– Clamperl
– Bagon
– Beldum
– Metang
– Salamence
– Beldum

Remember to explore different PokéStops and keep incubating your Eggs to increase your chances of obtaining these Pokémon. Happy hatching, trainers!