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Ditto Reveals an Unexpected Feature in Pokémon Go, Leaving Some Players Underwhelmed

In December 2022, Niantic brought a new twist to Pokémon Go. They let players catch Pokémon in different sizes, from XXS to XXL. A month later, this size feature was ready for all Pokémon.

Ditto Joins the Size Fun

There was one Pokémon left out, though. Ditto, because of its special skill to look like any Pokémon until caught, didn’t join this size party. But that’s changed now. Gamers have found that the size of the Pokémon Ditto copies also changes when you catch it. For example, if Ditto pretends to be an XXL Litleo and you catch it, it stays XXL as Ditto. This exciting update started very recently, according to players’ reports.

tags remain untouched as per instructions.

Many players are thrilled about this. We see online chats buzzing with stories of huge Dittos caught in the wild. One player talked about an XXL Litleo that turned into an XXL Ditto once caught.

Mixed Reactions

However, not everyone is happy. Some players wish they could turn off this size feature. They think it adds unnecessary steps to the game. For example, the game now alerts you when you try to transfer a big or small Pokémon. This, some say, wastes time.

Others enjoy the feature and find it fun to see the size differences in their menus. But, many players agree that the size feature loses its charm since you can’t see size differences in gyms or with your buddy Pokémon.

Every Pokémon Counts

Despite the mixed feelings, it’s interesting to note that Ditto now joins the rest with its ability to be any size. This cute, shape-shifting blob can be as big or as small as any other Pokémon you catch. So, for anyone collecting every variation, this adds an exciting new twist.

In short, Pokémon Go’s size feature is now complete with Ditto in the mix. Whether you’re a fan or not, it’s always good to see new updates keeping the game fresh.