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Best Nature for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Best Nature for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace are three popular Fire-type Pokémon in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games. As trainers, it is crucial for us to understand the best nature to use for these Pokémon to optimize their potential in battles.

What is Nature in Pokémon?

Nature is a characteristic that affects a Pokémon’s stats. It provides a 10% boost to one stat while reducing another stat by 10%. The stat that receives the boost is indicated by the positive nature, while the reduced stat is determined by the negative nature.

Best Nature Recommendations for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace

1. Jolly Nature: Jolly nature boosts a Pokémon’s Speed stat while reducing its Special Attack stat. This nature is ideal for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace as they are known for their speed and physical attacking abilities. With Jolly nature, they can outspeed opponents and deal massive damage with their physical moves.

2. Adamant Nature: Adamant nature increases a Pokémon’s Attack stat while decreasing its Special Attack stat. This nature is also suitable for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace, especially if you prefer a more offensive playstyle. With Adamant nature, they can hit harder with their physical attacks.

3. Timid Nature: Timid nature boosts a Pokémon’s Speed stat while lowering its Attack stat. Although not the most popular choice, Timid nature can be viable for Cinderace if you plan to utilize its special moveset. This nature allows Cinderace to outspeed opponents and deal significant damage with its special attacks.

4. Hasty Nature: Hasty nature increases a Pokémon’s Speed stat while reducing its Defense stat. This nature is an alternative option for Scorbunny, Raboot, or Cinderace if you want to focus on speed and prioritize offensive strategies. With Hasty nature, they will have an advantage in terms of speed, but be more vulnerable to incoming attacks.


Choosing the right nature for Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace plays a vital role in optimizing their performance in battles. Whether you prefer a speed-oriented or offensive playstyle, Jolly or Adamant nature would be ideal choices. However, if you want to explore a special moveset for Cinderace, consider Timid nature. And for those who prioritize speed over defense, Hasty nature could be a suitable alternative. Remember to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each nature when making your decision. Train your Pokémon wisely and dominate the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games!