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Best Alolan Ninetales Build in Pokémon UNITE

The Best Alolan Ninetales Build in Pokémon Unite

Alolan Ninetales has quickly become one of the standout characters in Pokémon Unite. With its impressive range and icy abilities, it can be a formidable opponent on the battlefield. To help you make the most out of this Pokémon, here is the best Alolan Ninetales build for you to try out.

1. Held Items

When it comes to held items, the most effective ones for Alolan Ninetales are the Shell Bell, Wise Glasses, and Energy Amplifier.

The Shell Bell is particularly useful for sustain as it allows Alolan Ninetales to recover health with each successful attack. This can keep you in the fight for longer, giving you a better chance of securing victories.

The Wise Glasses provide a damage boost to your special attacks, enhancing your overall offensive capabilities. This can help you deal more damage to opponents and eliminate them more efficiently.

Lastly, the Energy Amplifier increases your special attack damage and cooldown reduction when you score a goal. This is especially effective in Pokémon Unite, where goals play a crucial role in determining the winner. With the Energy Amplifier, you can maximize your damage potential in critical moments.

2. Battle Items

As for battle items, the Eject Button and Fluffy Tail are recommended choices for Alolan Ninetales.

The Eject Button allows you to quickly escape dangerous situations or reposition yourself during team fights. This can help you stay safe and maintain a strong presence on the battlefield.

The Fluffy Tail, on the other hand, can be used as a crowd control tool. It slows down opponents within its area of effect, making it easier for you or your teammates to secure kills or escape tricky situations.

3. Moveset

For the moveset, Alolan Ninetales’ best skills are Aurora Veil, Ice Beam, Blizzard, and Snow Globe.

Aurora Veil deploys a protective shield that reduces damage taken by you and your allies. This move can be pivotal in team fights and provide you with an advantage in crucial moments.

Ice Beam and Blizzard are potent offensive moves that deal damage and inflict frozen status on opponents. It’s important to note that Blizzard has a wider area of effect, making it great for controlling objectives and impacting multiple opponents.

Lastly, Snow Globe is Alolan Ninetales’ Unite Move. It deals massive damage in a large area, making it a game-changer in team fights or when contesting objectives.

4. Strategy

In battle, Alolan Ninetales should focus on controlling objectives, providing support to teammates, and dealing damage from a safe distance. Utilize your range and mobility to stay out of immediate danger while still contributing to the team’s success.

Support your allies by casting Aurora Veil to protect them and strategically deploy Blizzard or Ice Beam to disrupt opponents and secure kills. Use Snow Globe when multiple enemies are grouped together to maximize its impact.

Remember to adapt your strategy based on the situation and communicate effectively with your team. By doing so, you can make the most out of Alolan Ninetales’ abilities and become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.