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All rank-up rewards for Pokémon Go Battle League season 6

All Rank Up Rewards for Pokemon Go Battle League Season 6

The Pokemon Go Battle League Season 6 is here, and trainers are eager to climb the ranks and earn valuable rewards. In this article, we will provide an overview of all the rank up rewards that players can acquire in this exciting season.

Rank 1 Reward

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As soon as trainers start their journey in the Battle League, they will be greeted with the Rank 1 reward. At this level, players are awarded a Pokemon encounter, providing them with the opportunity to catch a different Pokemon every time they reach this rank.

Rank 2 Rewards

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Once players reach Rank 2, they will receive Sinnoh Stones as a reward. Sinnoh Stones are valuable evolution items that can be used to evolve specific Pokemon species. These stones are highly sought after by trainers looking to enhance their roster.

Rank 3-6 Rewards

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Trainers who manage to climb to Rank 3 will be rewarded with a Charged TM. Charged TMs are valuable items that allow players to change the charged attack of their Pokemon, providing versatility in battle strategies. As trainers advance through Ranks 4 to 6, they will earn Stardust to power up their Pokemon and improve their overall performance.

Ranks 7-20 Rewards

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As trainers progress to Ranks 7 to 10, they will receive Elite TM as a reward. Elite TMs are incredibly rare and allow players to choose any move for their Pokemon, even exclusive ones. This is a highly coveted reward for competitive trainers. Moving up from Ranks 11 to 15, players will be awarded additional Stardust, providing essential resources for powering up their team. Finally, as trainers achieve Ranks 16 to 20, they will earn rare candies, which can be used to quickly level up any Pokemon.

Ranks 21 and Beyond Rewards

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For dedicated trainers that reach Ranks 21 and beyond, they will earn an exclusive pose to showcase their accomplishments. This pose will be a visual testament to their skills and dedication in the Pokemon Go Battle League.

In conclusion, the Pokemon Go Battle League Season 6 offers a variety of exciting rank up rewards for trainers to earn. From rare evolution items to powerful TMs and Stardust, players will be motivated to strive for greater heights in their battles. Will you be one of those trainers who conquer the ranks and secure these valuable rewards?