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A Significant Remote Raid Modification Could Enhance Pokémon Go, Despite Player Discontent with the Restriction

Smart Solutions for Pokémon Go’s Raid Pass Problem

Pokémon Go introduced some big changes to Remote Raid Passes in April that not everyone liked. However, a player came up with a clever idea to make things better.

A Reddit post on July 11 proposed a change. The idea is to stop sending raid invites to players who can’t join more remote raids that day. This can help a lot.

One player explained how annoying the current situation is. They said, “My rich friends use up their raid passes early. Sometimes, we end up with fewer players in a raid and barely win. We can’t tell who has used up their passes when we invite multiple people.”

Right now, players who hit their daily limit of Remote Raid Passes can still get raid invites. But they can’t join. This wastes time and chances for more friends to raid before invites close.

Many people liked this suggestion, but there’s a debate in the comments. Some think it’s a good fix. Others doubt the game’s code can handle such a change.

One player joked, “With Niantic’s rough code, I’m just glad the game starts.”

Another shared their experience. “I invited five people, and the game told me one had reached their limit. I could invite someone else. This works for me,” they said. They added that checking everyone’s status might slow the game down for players with many friends.

The Backstory of Controversy

On April 6, Niantic set a daily limit for using Remote Raid Passes. They also raised the price. Players didn’t like this. They asked Niantic to undo the changes, creating a movement called HearUsNiantic. The developers didn’t change their minds. Now, players suggest ideas like this to improve the situation.

The Debate Continues

This discussion shows how passionate Pokémon Go players are. They’re always looking for ways to make the game better for everyone.

This proposed tweak could make raiding smoother and more fun. It’s up to Niantic to decide if they’ll listen to their players this time. Let’s hope for the best!