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Palworld Controls: Comprehensive Guide for Keyboard and Controller

Palworld Controls: All controls for keyboard and controller

Palworld is an upcoming multiplayer survival game that combines sandbox play with elements of simulation. Developed by Pocketpair, this game allows players to capture and breed creatures called Pal and use them in various activities. In this article, we will explain all the controls for both keyboard and controller setups in Palworld.

Keyboard Controls

Movement: The standard WASD keys are used for movement in Palworld. Use W to move forward, A to move left, S to move backward, and D to move right.

Jump: Press the space bar to make your character jump.

Sprint: Hold down the Left Shift key to make your character sprint and move faster.

Crouch: Press the Left Control key to crouch, enabling you to move stealthily or access hidden areas.

Interact: To interact with objects or creatures in the game, use the E key.

Inventory: Press the Tab key to open your inventory and manage your items.

Hotbar: Use the number keys (1-9) to quickly access items in your hotbar.

Attack: The left mouse button is used for basic attacks.

Block: Press and hold the right mouse button to block incoming attacks.

Aim and Shoot: Use the left mouse button to aim and the right mouse button to shoot when using ranged weapons.

Combat Techniques: To perform special combat techniques, such as dodging or executing powerful attacks, use the Q, R, and F keys.

Switch Pal and Abilities: Press the X key to switch between captured Pals, and use the C key to activate their unique abilities.

Controller Controls

Movement: Use the left joystick to control your character’s movement.

Jump: Press the A button on your controller to make your character jump.

Sprint: Hold down the left joystick button to make your character sprint.

Crouch: Press the B button to crouch.

Interact: Use the X button to interact with objects or creatures in the game.

Inventory: Press the Y button to open your inventory and manage your items.

Hotbar: Use the directional pad or the right joystick to navigate through the hotbar, and press the corresponding button to access an item.

Attack: Press the right trigger or bumper to perform basic attacks.

Block: Use the left trigger or bumper to block incoming attacks.

Aim and Shoot: Use the right joystick to aim and the right trigger to shoot when using ranged weapons.

Combat Techniques: To perform special combat techniques, such as dodging or executing powerful attacks, use the various combination of buttons as indicated in the game.

Switch Pal and Abilities: Press the left and right bumper buttons to switch between captured Pals, and use the X button to activate their unique abilities.

We hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the controls for both keyboard and controller setups in Palworld. Whether you prefer keyboard or controller, you can now navigate and enjoy the game to its fullest. Happy gaming!