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NAVI’s jL Criticizes Individuals Threatening Women on FACEIT CS2 Servers

CS2 Player Calls Out Toxicity Towards Women in FACEIT Matchmaking

NAVI's jL Criticizes Individuals Threatening Women on FACEIT CS2 Servers

Professional CS2 player, Justinas “jL” Lekavicius, recently spoke out against the toxic behavior of players towards women in FACEIT matchmaking. He expressed his disgust at the treatment they receive and called for intervention by FACEIT to create a better and more inclusive environment for female players in Counter-Strike.

In a tweet on January 30, jL criticized the toxic players in CS2, specifically targeting FACEIT’s matchmaking system. He shared his fiancée’s experience as an example, highlighting the threats, mockery, and verbal abuse she faced simply because she is a woman playing CS2. Describing these individuals as “disgusting sub-humans,” jL expressed his disbelief at the normalization of such behavior, stating that the daily experience for female players on FACEIT is “fucking miserable.” He urged FACEIT to address this issue and put an end to the toxicity.