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LS criticizes LoL Patch 13.8 as the least impactful Mid-Season Invitational update ever

LS criticizes League of Legends Patch 13.8 ahead of MSI 2023

In a recent YouTube video, popular content creator LS expressed his disappointment with League of Legends Patch 13.8, which he dubbed the “most useless MSI patch ever.” LS believes that the patch lacks competitive balance changes, which he finds to be unacceptable.

The patch introduced buffs for ten champions, including Ezreal, Garen, Janna, Kha’zix, Kog’Maw, Leona, Lillia, Nidalee, Poppy, and Zoe. It also nerfed four champions: Aurelion Sol, Jarvan IV, Malphite, and Rakan. However, these changes were not significant enough to make a substantial impact. LS is convinced that the patch will do little to shake up the game leading into MSI, and he was far from impressed.

“This patch is useless. It’s the biggest joke of a patch we’ve had in a long time,” LS stated. According to him, the patch only gives an illusion of change without actually making any major shifts.

LS’s disappointment with Patch 13.8 is compounded by his earlier dissatisfaction with Patch 13.6, which failed to address the “stale and stagnant and depressive” meta that persisted for four months before MSI.

The combination of these factors has left LS feeling that the current meta is “extremely depressing.”

League fans hopeful for positive impact

While LS remains unimpressed, League fans are more optimistic about the impact of Patch 13.8 on games leading into MSI 2023. They view Jarvan IV’s nerf, Garen’s buff, and Nidalee’s boosts as standout changes. These adjustments make Jarvan IV more manageable, Garen more powerful with increased attack damage and armor, and Nidalee more formidable with improvements to base armor and armor growth.

However, it is unlikely that these changes will significantly alter the MSI 2023 experience, which begins on May 2. Despite LS’s criticism, MSI is still expected to be a grand spectacle. Many believe that Riot missed an opportunity to create a new meta with this patch.

A glimmer of hope for the future

LS’s hopes now rest on the upcoming League Patch 13.9, set to be released on May 3.

LS, League of Legends, Patch 13.8, MSI 2023, competitive balance changes, buffs, nerfs, meta, optimism, Jarvan IV, Garen, Nidalee, new meta, Riot, Patch 13.9