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Zirene reveals a League exploit involving trinket swapping

Zirene Reveals Trick to Maximize the Use of Trinkets in League of Legends

Former League of Legends Championship Series analyst and color caster, Aidan “Zirene” Moon, has shared a tip that can help players make the most out of their trinkets. Zirene showcased this trick on his Twitch stream, explaining that the best strategy for junglers is to swap trinkets throughout the game. For example, if the yellow trinket is on cooldown while contesting Baron, junglers should go back to base and switch to Oracle’s Lens (red trinket).

To execute this strategy, after changing the trinket, the player should position themselves around Baron and sweep the area multiple times. Then, they should wait for the Oracle’s Lens cooldown to reset, recall, and switch back to the yellow trinket. This technique allows players to place three wards and sweep the area two times, instead of the usual two wards and one sweep using the yellow trinket alone.

This trinket trick has been discussed on multiple threads on Reddit over the past two months. Although it requires recalling back to base, which may not be ideal in a late-game scenario, it is still useful in both early and late-game situations. It can help junglers efficiently navigate the jungle, create safe paths, and protect laners from enemy ganks.

What makes this exploit work is the difference in cooldowns between the yellow trinket and Oracle’s Lens. While the yellow trinket has a 240-second cooldown, Oracle’s Lens cannot share the same cooldown. When swapping from the yellow trinket to Oracle’s Lens, the cooldown changes to 90 seconds. By waiting for Oracle’s Lens to come off cooldown and immediately swapping it back again, another ward will appear. The game seems to be confused by this interaction and responds based on percentages rather than fixed cooldowns.

Although this technique may not be groundbreaking, it can have significant implications in preventing early kills and securing vision around Baron. It can potentially be game-defining. Even though the role of junglers has become more aggressive, with the ability to carry team fights, their fundamental purpose is still support-focused. Properly utilizing this trinket technique can greatly benefit the team by preventing ganks and securing objectives.

It’s important to note that Zirene did not discover this trinket swapping technique.

League of Legends, Zirene, trinket exploit, jungler strategy, Oracle’s Lens, yellow trinket, warding, Baron, Reddit threads, game-changing technique, jungler role