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Zeri set for major crit-centric modifications on League’s PBE

Zeri, the controversial champion in League of Legends, is getting a new round of changes after dominating the game in the first half of 2022. The changes aim to reintroduce her to the meta after being absent for a few months. The changes will be tested extensively on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) later today, but it’s unclear when or if they will go live.

Zeri’s base stats will receive buffs to compensate for adjustments in other areas of her kit. This will give her more survivability in the laning phase. However, her passive shield will be reduced to avoid making her too strong.

Her Q, which acts as her basic attack, will have reduced range but increased damage with larger AD ratios. Her basic attack spell will also deal more damage when fully charged.

Another area of concern was Zeri’s W, Ultrashock Laser, which dealt a significant amount of magic damage when shot through a wall. This ability will now deal physical damage with improved AD ratios and no AP ratios.

Zeri’s mobility comes from her E, Spark Surge, which allows her to move over and through terrain easily. This ability will have lower mana costs and cooldowns, along with an adjustment that provides Zeri with pierce on her Q for the next five seconds. Riot is also promoting a crit-focused build for Zeri with this ability.

Zeri’s ultimate will retain its infinite-duration potential and chain damage, but it will scale better with both AP and bonus AD. Hitting one champion will activate the full effect of the ultimate, and hitting other champions will refresh it for a maximum of five seconds. Zeri’s movement speed will increase based on her crit rate, granting her more stacks of the Overcharge passive.

Given Zeri’s previous balancing issues, Riot will closely monitor her and these changes on the PBE for the next few days. There is no confirmed release date for these changes on the live servers.