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Zed Haunts Mid Laners’ Nightmares—Seeking Answers

Mid Lane Players in League of Legends Demand Nerfs for Zed

Playing against Zed in the mid lane can be frustrating for League of Legends players. His unique abilities can quickly overpower opponents, especially if they make mistakes early in the game. Players are now calling for nerfs to Zed’s kit, but their demands have taken a bizarre turn.

It all started with one mid laner requesting a nerf to Zed’s W ability on September 14. They proposed that the cooldown of his W should start after the shadow expires, which would make it easier to counter his early game strength. This request was initially serious, but other players quickly turned it into a joke, and a new post emerged with some hilarious demands.

Demands for Zed Nerfs Get More Outlandish

In this new post, players are demanding that Zed loses damage every time he builds an item. They argue that it’s unfair that Zed requires them to build armor to reduce the damage they take. They find this mechanic completely insane.

Another demand made by the post’s author is that Zed should lose his mobility. They believe that both his W and ultimate abilities should no longer allow him to snap back to his shadow. Furthermore, they find Zed’s approach to enemies offensive and suggest that he should notify his target 5 minutes in advance of a fight and explain exactly how he plans to execute it.

Players Want Changes to Address Zed’s Overpowered Status

Overall, players have a long list of changes they want to see for Zed. And honestly, who can blame them? Many players have experienced the frustration of being solo-ed by Zed, even when they thought they had the advantage. Some champions are simply broken, and it’s disappointing that they are still allowed in the game.

At this rate, if Zed isn’t deleted from League of Legends in the near future, there may just be a riot under Riot’s headquarters.

Related: League of Legends players share the mechanics they miss most.

League of Legends, Zed, nerfs, mid lane, demands, players, broken champions, Riot Games