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Yuumi’s Recent Patch Causes Steep Drop in Win Rate in League of Legends

Yuumi’s Win Rate Plummets in League of Legends

Everyone’s beloved magical cat in League of Legends, Yuumi, is facing a downturn after the latest game patch.

In the platinum division and above, Yuumi’s win rate has dropped to 46 percent due to nerfs to her Zoomies ability in Patch 10.13.

The cost of casting Zoomies (E) has been significantly increased, going from 100/115/130/145/160 mana to 40/45/50/55/60 mana (+15 percent max mana). This makes Zoomies less reliable, particularly in the late game.

At level 18, without any mana items, Zoomies now costs approximately 235 mana, more than double the cost of Yuumi’s ultimate ability. While reaching level 18 as Yuumi is rare, the additional mana cost is still a significant nerf.

Yuumi players already struggled with mana conservation and relied on Presence of Mind, Athene’s Unholy Grail, and Ardent Censer to sustain themselves.

In extended teamfights, Yuumi players now find themselves running out of mana after using their ultimate and a couple of Zoomies, rendering them vulnerable. As a result, Yuumi is currently the second-worst performing champion in the support role, only surpassing Tahm Kench. Sona, Bard, Janna, and Soraka dominate the support role in solo queue, according to

We will have to wait and see if Riot Games will address Yuumi’s issues in the next patch. For now, players will need to adapt to the current situation.