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Yuumi’s Debut Gameplay Revealed via Live Stream

Yuumi: A First Look at Riot Games’ Newest Champion

League of Legends fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Riot Games’ latest champion, Yuumi. Thanks to a Chinese stream, we now have a sneak peek into how Yuumi will be played in lane and in teamfights.

In a recent video, two players took Yuumi and Twitch to the bot lane to face off against a Vayne and Soraka. The matchup was quite interesting to watch as Yuumi provided healing, shielding, and poking with her unique Q ability, Prowling Projectile, to support Twitch.

Yuumi’s Q ability looks fun to use, but it can be quite challenging for opponents to dodge. When attached to an ally, Yuumi’s Q becomes a guided projectile, making it difficult to avoid. This ability costs 60 mana, which is a fair tradeoff for its early damage and potential slowing effect.

Related: Yuumi, the Magical Cat, will be released on May 14

In the gameplay, the standout feature of Yuumi was her incredible mobility during teamfights. Her W ability allows her to jump from teammate to teammate, providing shielding and healing through her passive and E ability, Zoomies. Her role is to constantly support her allies and offer utility, and then she can jump to her team’s frontline tank and use her ultimate ability to lock down enemy players.

The only potential drawback for Yuumi is the risk of getting caught out while attached to an ally. If the teammate she’s attached to gets hit with crowd control and dies, Yuumi becomes vulnerable as she is one of the squishier champions in the game. However, her kit promises a fun and refreshing addition to competitive League compositions once she is live on the servers.