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Yuumi makes her debut in professional play in China

Yuumi makes her debut in professional play

Yuumi, the controversial champion known for her questionable strength, has finally made her way into professional play. FunPlus Phoenix, a top-tier team in the Chinese LPL, picked up Yuumi for the first time in a tier-one league match against JD Gaming. This marks a significant milestone for the Magical Cat, as she has previously been seen mainly in developmental leagues.

Crisp showcases Yuumi’s potential

In the match, FunPlus left Yuumi until late in the draft, allowing JD Gaming to take their preferred bot lane champions. However, Crisp, FunPlus’ support player, picked Yuumi to counter JD Gaming’s composition. With a combination of Sylas, Olaf, Ryze, Lucian, and Yuumi, FunPlus was able to utilize Yuumi’s unique abilities to chase down targets and create chaos on the map.

Crisp’s itemization and playstyle

Crisp opted for Heal and Exhaust summoner spells, as well as the Arcane Comet keystone, which synergizes well with Yuumi’s abilities. The slow from Prowling Projectile guarantees Comet hits, resulting in significant burst damage. Crisp prioritized Athene’s Unholy Grail, followed by Boots of Lucidity and Mikael’s Crucible to counter JD Gaming’s heavy engage composition. FunPlus used this advantage to dominate skirmishes in the river, securing kills and gaining control over the game.

FunPlus secures a decisive victory

Despite JD Gaming’s best efforts, FunPlus continued to force fights and lock down their carries. With a 15,000 gold lead, FunPlus closed out the game in just 26 minutes. This victory demonstrates the potential of Yuumi in competitive play, adding to her already impressive win rate in developmental leagues.

In conclusion, Yuumi has proven herself as a viable pick in professional esports. Her presence in the LPL showcases her capabilities as a unique and impactful champion. Players and teams across the world are beginning to recognize the power of the Magical Cat.

Related keywords: Yuumi, FunPlus Phoenix, LPL, JD Gaming, professional play, competitive, champion, esports