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Yasuo remains among the top 5 most banned champions since July 2016

The Unforgiven: League of Legends’ Most Banned Champion

Playing against Yasuo in a solo queue game is a frustrating experience that every League of Legends player can relate to. Since July 2016, Yasuo has consistently ranked among the top five most banned champions in the game. In fact, he has held this position for 40 out of the 82 patches recorded since November 2015.

A Constantly Banned Champion

Yasuo’s ban rate has remained high since Patch 6.15, and the trend of banning him shows no signs of slowing down. According to League of Graphs, Yasuo has been the most banned champion for a significant portion of the game’s updates. This enduring ban rate is a testament to how frustrating he can be as an opponent.

Yasuo ban rate

Image via League of Graphs

A Popular and Infamous Champion

In addition to his banning prevalence, Yasuo has also maintained his popularity among players over the past four years. He consistently ranks in the top five most played champions, appearing in 52 out of 82 patches. Interestingly, Yasuo players have the highest AFK rate, with 1.16 percent of them going AFK during matches.

Why Do Players Ban Yasuo?

There are various reasons why Yasuo continues to be banned so frequently. One Reddit user points out that many players in lower ranks ban Yasuo because they struggle to play against him. He is a strong laner and can be difficult to handle, especially when faced against skilled opponents.

Another common reason for banning Yasuo is to prevent him from being on one’s own team. There have been instances where a player picks Yasuo but ends up performing poorly with him. This has conditioned many players to automatically ban Yasuo, regardless of whether he’s on their team or the opponent’s.

In conclusion, Yasuo’s banning trend stems from a combination of his strength in the game, players’ inability to counter him, and the fear of having an inexperienced Yasuo on their own team.

Plain Text League of Legends, Yasuo, most banned champion, solo queue, frustrating experience, ban rate, popularity, AFK issue