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Wukong undergoes further updates on League’s PBE

League of Legends: Wukong Update Still in the Works

Great news for League of Legends fans! The highly anticipated update for Wukong is just around the corner. However, before the Monkey King makes his way to the live servers, a few adjustments need to be made.

Today, Wukong received a new round of balance changes in the League Public Beta Environment. One notable change is to his passive ability, Stone Skin. Instead of gaining a shield when exiting stealth or a bush, Wukong now receives the shield upon entering. Additionally, the strength of the shield has been reduced from 12 percent to 10 percent of his maximum health.

Watch the video here: [insert YouTube video URL]

Another change is to Wukong’s Q ability, Crushing Blow. The enemy’s armor is now decreased for four seconds instead of three. Additionally, his W ability, Warrior Trickster, has had its clone range increased by 100 units and the clone’s duration has been extended by 0.25 seconds, allowing for an additional auto attack before it disappears.

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Wukong has also received bug fixes, including one that addressed the issue of his passive shield automatically triggering at the start of the game or on respawn. However, there are still a few bugs that need to be addressed, such as the clone having the ability to steal experience and missing visual effects for his Q ability.

Although it is unclear when Wukong will be available on the live servers, Riot’s lead gameplay designer, Mark Yetter, hinted last week that the updated champion will be released soon.

Stay tuned for more updates on the League of Legends blog!

League of Legends, Wukong update, Monkey King, balance changes, passive ability, Q ability, W ability, bug fixes, live servers, Riot, gameplay designer, updates, blog