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Worlds Jungle Meta Predictions

Predicting the Meta for Worlds: The Jungle Role

In the ongoing series of predicting the meta for Worlds, it’s time to focus on the Jungler role. Despite the recent juggernaut era, the jungle remains relatively unchanged. Skarner stands out as a strong pick, but not as overpowering as in solo queue. Jungle champions need good clear speed, sustainability, mobility, and team-fight utility. With bruisers becoming more popular in top lane, junglers will likely have to fulfill the role of tanks and front-line threats. Even flexible picks like Elise will prioritize Cinderhulk over Runeglaive at Worlds. Junglers have been relegated to tanks and ward bots for a long time, and the introduction of juggernauts will further enforce this role.

Gragas and Rek’Sai: The Kings of the Jungle

For tanks in the jungle, Gragas and Rek’Sai still reign supreme. Despite receiving nerfs, Gragas remains a top-tier tank jungler. His ability to change the game with his ultimate sets him apart. Gragas has good clear speed, sustain, and percentage max HP damage, making him strong throughout all phases of the game. He excels at team-fight initiation and disengagement, making him a versatile pick for any team composition. As for Rek’Sai, she has fallen off slightly due to nerfs but still offers great utility and global pressure. Her tunnel network allows her to move across the map quickly and provide gank potential. Her tremor sense provides unique utility for scouting and tracking slippery targets. However, she lacks utility in team fights and should focus on objective control and map pressure instead.

The Rise of AP Junglers: Ekko, Elise, and Nidalee

In terms of AP champions in the jungle, their importance has increased due to the prevalence of AD bruisers in top lane. Ekko, despite receiving nerfs, still brings valuable zone control and mobility to the jungle. His presence in team fights can be game-changing. Elise, on the other hand, offers versatility with her kit and is likely to be a top pick at Worlds. She has good clear speed, sustain, mobility, and objective control. Nidalee, the only carry-type jungler, offers strong poke and skirmishing potential. With her healing and mobility, she can control the map and pressure the enemy jungler. However, she lacks crowd control and team fight presence.

Skarner, Vi, and Lee Sin: The Reliable Picks

The current juggernauts era introduces Skarner as a dominant jungler. With his amazing clear speed, sustain, and mobility, he can be a force to be reckoned with. However, without his ultimate, he lacks impact in team fights. Vi, with her single target lockdown and reliable engage, may make a comeback. Lee Sin, always considered a top pick, excels at skirmishes and offers great mobility. However, he lacks tankiness and reliable initiation.

Picks to avoid at Worlds include Evelynn. Her damage nerfs have significantly reduced her effectiveness, and top teams are now adept at dealing with her. Her impact in team fights has declined, making her a risky pick.

Predicting the Meta, Worlds, Jungle Role, Tanks, Gragas, Rek’Sai, AP Junglers, Ekko, Elise, Nidalee, Skarner, Vi, Lee Sin, Evelynn