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Worlds 2016: Impactful Performance by SK Telecom T1

League of Legends World Championships: SK Telecom T1 vs. Cloud9

The seventh match in the League of Legends World Championships for Group B just concluded. This match featured SK Telecom T1 of the LCK vs. Cloud9 of the NA LCS.

Here is a recap of what happened:

SKT vs. C9


TOP: Jayce vs. Rumble

JNG: Elise vs. Lee Sin

MID: Syndra vs. Cassiopeia

ADC: Ezreal vs. Sivir

SUP: Alistar vs. Braum

BANS: Rek’sai/Nidalee/Gnar/Karma/Zac/Vladimir

The first game of Group B featured SKT and C9. With C9 Impact facing his former team, all eyes were on the top lane.

C9 started aggressively with a short invade towards the top and SKT secured first blood by killing C9 Jensen.

The game progressed slowly, with SKT taking a slight gold lead as we reached the mid-game.

SKT’s Elise made his presence known by killing former teammate C9 Impact and securing the first tower at the 15-minute mark. This opened up a dominant display from SKT, as C9 Jensen struggled to make an impact.

Cloud9 got their first kill at the 20-minute mark, but SKT maintained a 7k gold lead.

After securing kills and an uncontested Baron, SKT pushed C9 completely out of the game.

After a last ditch attempt from C9 to get an ace, SKT took down C9’s towers and inhibitors to secure their first win and claim the top spot in the group.

What did you think about the action in today’s Worlds? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us at @GAMURScom.

Adam Newell is a writer for @GAMURScom and can be contacted through email or Twitter.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero

League of Legends, esports, SK Telecom T1, Cloud9, World Championships, LCK, NA LCS