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Willer’s incredible triple steal propels Liiv SANDBOX to victory in 2023 LCK Spring Split

Liiv SANDBOX Secures Second Victory in LCK Spring Split with Stellar Performance from Jungler Willer

In an intense match, Liiv SANDBOX emerged victorious over KT Rolster in the 2023 LCK Spring Split with a score of 2-1. The standout player of the game was jungler Kim “Willer” Jeong-hyeon, who made three crucial steals in the first game to propel his team to success.

Playing as Elise, the 19-year-old showcased his exceptional abilities as he made strategic moves. Willer managed to steal the third dragon, Baron Nashor, and Elder Dragon from KT Rolster, which ultimately paved the way for a remarkable comeback by his team.

The first steal was a standard move by Willer. KT failed to prioritize the objective, allowing him to approach the dragon in Elise’s spider form and successfully steal it using his Q ability and Smite combo. This steal secured the soul point for Liiv SANDBOX.

The second steal displayed Willer’s boldness and quick thinking. He flashed into the Baron Nashor’s pit, surprising the enemy jungler Cuzz, and snatched the objective once again.

However, it was the third steal that truly stole the show. Willer fearlessly approached the full KT team, who were focusing on him, and utilized his Rappeled ability to ascend into the air. He then skillfully landed on the other side of the Dragon Pit, securing the objective with his Smite.

Following the impressive steals, Liiv SANDBOX gained a significant advantage with the Elder Dragon buff and triumphed in the ensuing teamfight, ultimately sealing the game in their favor. Although KT managed to even the score in the second game, Liiv SANDBOX dominated the third game to clinch the series victory.

Watch the highlights of the game here: [YouTube Video URL]

LCK Spring Split, Liiv SANDBOX, KT Rolster, victory, jungler, Willer, Elise, steals, dragon, Baron Nashor, Elder Dragon, comeback, teamfight, advantage