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Why Zac Stands Out as the Top Choice for Low Elo Junglers

Most of the people I play League of Legends with are better than me and have higher ranks. So, I think I have the right to say what’s best for low elo players in League of Legends because I’ve spent a lot of time in it. When I play with my higher ranked friends, I can choose between two jungle champions: Gragas or Zac. They know that I don’t like to play champions I’m good at, so I end up playing champions I’ll probably lose with. I consider myself a Zac and Gragas main, but due to Gragas nerfs, Zac has become my go-to champion. I’ve realized that he is one of the best champions for low elo junglers.

Zac’s Kit

We will start by talking about Zac’s abilities. His passive ability, “Cell Division,” splits Zac into blobs when he uses an ability on an enemy champion or jungle monster. These blobs last for six seconds and when Zac walks over them, they merge back into him, restoring four percent of his health. This is essential for low elo junglers who have difficulty clearing the jungle without using potions or having to back.

Zac’s passive also activates when he dies. His body splits into four blobs that move to a center blob. If at least one blob reaches the center without being destroyed, Zac will respawn with 10-50 percent of his health, depending on the number of blobs that make it.

Zac’s Q ability, “Stretching Strike,” sends out his arms in a straight line. If it hits an enemy champion or jungle monster, it deals magic damage and applies a two-second slow. This slow is crucial for ganking as it helps secure kills.

Zac’s W ability, “Unstable Matter,” deals magic damage to all enemy champions and monsters around him. This ability is great for clearing jungle camps, especially when there are multiple monsters. The cooldown of Unstable Matter can be reduced when Zac picks up the blobs from his passive, allowing him to use the ability more frequently.

Zac’s E ability, “Elastic Slingshot,” is a great engage tool for ganks. Zac can fly to a targeted area, surprising the enemy. This ability is versatile and can be used to engage or escape. It can even be used to fly over objectives like Dragon or Baron and smite them.

Zac’s ultimate ability, “Let’s Bounce!,” deals damage to enemy champions and throws them in the direction Zac is moving. This ultimate is especially powerful when the enemy team is grouped together, providing crowd control and disruption.

Clearing The Jungle

Zac is an ideal champion for new jungle players. He is tanky and his passive helps with jungle clears by reducing the cooldown on his main damage ability.

Team Fighting and Ganking With Zac

As a tank, Zac’s role is to absorb damage and initiate fights. He can soak up the enemy team’s attention while his teammates deal damage. If Zac dies, his passive gives him a second chance to get back into the fight. Zac’s ganks are effective due to his engage tool, Elastic Slingshot. He can surprise the enemy and use his abilities to secure kills. His ultimate can also be used to disrupt the enemy team and focus down their damage dealers.

If you’re new to the jungle position or League of Legends, I highly recommend trying out Zac as a viable option. He is a straightforward champion to play and can be punishing for the enemy team. That, along with his other abilities, is why Zac is the best low elo jungler in the game.

Do you agree that Zac is the best low elo jungler in the game? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.