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Why LoL’s returning Nexus Blitz mode requires modifications. Here’s the reasoning.

Riot Games announces the return of Nexus Blitz in October

Riot Games has confirmed that Nexus Blitz will be making a comeback as a rotating game mode in October. While this is exciting news for fans, there is a concern that the mode won’t receive any major changes for its return, which could be problematic.

The developers have stated that the spirit and overall gameplay of Nexus Blitz will remain the same, with the exception of jungle changes and pets.

In previous instances where game modes returned to League of Legends after a long absence, they were often reworked and updated. It’s surprising that Nexus Blitz won’t be receiving similar treatment.

One example of a reworked item is Statik Shiv, which made a comeback in season 13 with significant changes. However, Nexus Blitz doesn’t seem to be getting the same level of attention.

Nexus Blitz initially launched in 2018 as a permanent game mode but was met with mixed reviews. The mode made a comeback in 2020 with improvements and new features, but there are still flaws that need to be addressed.

One major issue is the snowballing effect, which has been out of control since Nexus Blitz went live. Events like Scuttle Crab Racing can put the losing team at a significant disadvantage, further exacerbating the snowballing problem.

The spawn points for events also play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the mini-game. If the losing team sees a valuable spawn point in the enemy’s territory, their chances of winning are slim.

The rewards for winning events in Nexus Blitz are also imbalanced. For instance, winning an Elder Dragon execute buff can easily lead to a steamroll victory, making the mode less competitive.

If Nexus Blitz doesn’t receive the necessary updates and improvements, it could suffer the same fate as other game modes that have been neglected, such as Hexakill and Twisted Treeline.

Related Topics: Classic LoL rotating game mode, League of Legends, preseason ranked changes, Nexus Blitz, game mode reworks, Statik Shiv, snowballing effect, event spawn points, overpowered rewards, Hexakill, Twisted Treeline