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Why it is not advisable for League teams to default to 2 players at each position

TSM’s Surprising Move: A Third Jungler

TSM fans were taken aback when the LCS team announced the signing of a third jungler. However, it was later revealed that their starting jungler, Jonathan “Grig” Armao, was dealing with an injury, which led to backup Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham stepping in with the LCS starters.

Uncommon in the League

It’s rare for top-level League teams to have three players in one position. While having a backup for each position allows internal scrims and a full roster for Academy leagues, it’s worth questioning the logic behind it.

A Relic of the Past

Two-deep rosters became common in the past due to teams competing in regional Challenger leagues where significant monetary rewards were at stake. With LCS slots on the line, having a balanced roster made sense to increase their chances of success. However, with the current purpose of Academy leagues being player development, the need for one player per position may no longer be necessary.

What Are They Really Getting?

TSM, a team built around superstar mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, raises the question of whether having a backup mid laner is truly beneficial. Given that Bjergsen hasn’t been affected by injuries in years, the impact of having a replacement player, regardless of position, is unclear. Considering TSM’s goal of performing well at Worlds, the absence of Bjergsen may not make a significant difference.

What About Scrims?

Having a full 10-man roster allows teams to host in-house scrims, which is a valuable opportunity for improvement. However, the argument against mishmashed Academy rosters disrupting the legitimacy of scrims overlooks their primary objective – learning. By forcing players to learn different positions, teams can accelerate their development and assess which combinations work best on the Rift.

Opportunity Cost

The key takeaway is that teams should re-evaluate their Academy strategies based on their existing player roster. Blindly following traditional methods can hinder progress. Rather than filling roster spots with duplicate positions, teams should consider strengthening weaker positions or adding variety to their lineups for better overall performance.

Related keywords: TSM, LCS team, jungler, injury, backup player, top-level League teams, Academy league games, regional Challenger leagues, LCS slots, player development, superstar mid laner, backup mid laner, scrims, mishmashed Academy rosters, opportunity cost.